
Oct 22-29, 2013: Wealth Management Information–Fort McMurray

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Financial Future Ltd.  together with WealthTerra Capital Managment Inc will be providing comprehensive investment advice on-site for employees working in the Fort McMurray and environs.  Since direct contact is not always available, and time is not always on the side of the demanding schedules of oil sands production workers, Financial Future Ltd and WealthTerra Capital Management Inc have collaborated to bring extensive investment knowledge and product offerings directly to the hardworking people in the region.  Please consider the following:

You are in your 20’s and you work hard for your money.  You are hundreds of miles from your true home, in pursuit of the almighty dollar…lotsa dollars are rolling in.  You work long hours, often in unimaginable conditions, and then get a one or two week leave until your next tour of duty.  When on leave you hit the bar, buy seemingly endless rounds of drinks, sometimes only for mere acquaintances since you are just happy not to be in camp.  And then there’s the truck payment.  Beyond that, life seems pretty simple— other than the all consuming reminder that the drill rig awaits.

The company you work for matches your savings contribution on each pay cheque…seems like a no-brainer since 50% gain is realized immediately.  But where is this company 10 to 15 years down the road?  Workers and tradesmen in other industries have sometimes been faced with the stark realization that the company’s pension assets are just that…the company’s assets.  If the company fails, so do the assets.

For the cost of a night out, it is wise to plan a little.

  If you experience a severe accident, how is the truck payment met?  

You marry the girl back home, where is the down payment (can I use first time homeowners RRSP…?).  

Your first child is due, do I have adequate coverage?

These questions and more await us as life happens.  Call or email and we can prepare you with the STARTER PLAN with Financial Future.  It’s like dealing with your Momma back home.  Cheers, and Safety First!  Renae.


About the Author:

I have been in the business since 1998. Started my career with Sunlife Financial and then progressed to working with a local financial institution for 5 years. As an investment broker I have access to a variety of products not available at your local financial institution. Let me illustrate how I can combine different products that can help you grow your investments and secure your retirement. Finances affect every part of a person’s life. It just makes sense to have a comprehensive plan of action.